-Memberikan Tenaga Segera
-Meningkatkan Tahap Ketahanan Badan
-Membantu Mengatasi Masalah Kesuburan Lelaki&Wanita
-Mengandungi Asid Amino Yang Diperlukan Oleh Tubuh
-Melancarkan Aliran Darah Ke Seluruh Tubuh Badan
-Mengawal Tekanan Dan Kerungsingan Emosi
-Melawaskan Kencing,Menyelaras Kedatangan Haid Dan Membantu Mengurangkan Masalah Ketika Monopaus
layari laman web hubungi di talian 0176165373 untuk keterangan lanjut
20 Februari 2010
Membantu dalam pemulihan:
*darah tinggi*ghout*strok*buah pinggang*diabetes*jantung*stress*memulihkan tenaga*kanser*gastrik*sakit sendi*jerawat*masalah paru-paru*demam*lemah lutut*parkinson*jangkitan kuman*resdung*masalah usus*ketumbuhan*dan pelbagai masalah kesihatan
Membantu dalam pemulihan:
*darah tinggi*ghout*strok*buah pinggang*diabetes*jantung*stress*memulihkan tenaga*kanser*gastrik*sakit sendi*jerawat*masalah paru-paru*demam*lemah lutut*parkinson*jangkitan kuman*resdung*masalah usus*ketumbuhan*dan pelbagai masalah kesihatan
#Melancarkan Peredaran Darah
#Membuang Kolestrol
#Anti Strok-Mencegah Penyakit Strok
#Anti Blok-Mencegah Sumbatan Coronary
#Anti Kolestrol-Membuang lemak yang mendap di saluran darah
#Menambah tenaga
#Mengelakkan dari Terkena Penyakit Jantung
#Berhubung Kait Masalah Komplikasi Jantung
#Melancarkan Peredaran Darah
#Membuang Kolestrol
#Anti Strok-Mencegah Penyakit Strok
#Anti Blok-Mencegah Sumbatan Coronary
#Anti Kolestrol-Membuang lemak yang mendap di saluran darah
#Menambah tenaga
#Mengelakkan dari Terkena Penyakit Jantung
#Berhubung Kait Masalah Komplikasi Jantung
Aloe Gel sangat sesuai digunakan oleh mereka yang ingin menjaga kesihatan dan yang mempunyai masalah kesihatan sama ada luaran atau dalaman.Berikut adalah masalah-masalah yang dapat dibantu apabila mengamalkan Aloe Gel:
*sakit pinggang*batu karang*kencing manis*ulser usus*sakit sendi*luka*gatal-gatal*gigitan serangga*hormon tidak stabil*kolestrol tinggi*demam panas*kanser*ghout*penyakit kulit*jerawat dan jeragat*kulit terbakar*bengkak*gastrik*sembelit*kurang tenaga*kulit kasar(mencantikkan kulit)
Aloe Gel sangat sesuai digunakan oleh mereka yang ingin menjaga kesihatan dan yang mempunyai masalah kesihatan sama ada luaran atau dalaman.Berikut adalah masalah-masalah yang dapat dibantu apabila mengamalkan Aloe Gel:
*sakit pinggang*batu karang*kencing manis*ulser usus*sakit sendi*luka*gatal-gatal*gigitan serangga*hormon tidak stabil*kolestrol tinggi*demam panas*kanser*ghout*penyakit kulit*jerawat dan jeragat*kulit terbakar*bengkak*gastrik*sembelit*kurang tenaga*kulit kasar(mencantikkan kulit)
19 Februari 2010
There are over 240 different species of Aloe and Aloe Vera is a member of the Lily family, it is very-cactus like in its characteristics. Of the 240+ species of Aloe, only four are recognized as being of nutritional value to humans and animals. Aloe barbadensis miller (Aloe Vera species) is the top of these four.
Moderate Network Aloe Gel ingredients consists of Aloe Barbadensis Miller extract, Carrageen (seaweed), Citric Acid (from plants/fruits) which is rich in vitamins, enzyme, amino acid , complex natural sugar and other mono chlorides. Proteins in Aloe Gel contain 18 of the 20 amino acid found in human bodies.
Moderate Network Aloe Gel ingredients consists of Aloe Barbadensis Miller extract, Carrageen (seaweed), Citric Acid (from plants/fruits) which is rich in vitamins, enzyme, amino acid , complex natural sugar and other mono chlorides. Proteins in Aloe Gel contain 18 of the 20 amino acid found in human bodies.
Moderate Network Aloe Gel will be able to increase energy or body's rate of metabolism; also functions as internal system cleaner, electrolyte replacement, personal resilience as a detoxifier (remove body toxins), cleans kidney, overcomes indigestion, gout (arthritis), colon interference, diabetes, high blood pressure, gum problem, unstable hormone, dysmenorrheal, high cholesterol, fever, skin disease that are not serious, acne, sinus and many others.
Moderate Network Aloe Gel is suitable for all ages young and old.
Moderate Network Aloe Gel is suitable for all ages young and old.
Cara Pengguaan Aloe Gel
Untuk Kegunna Dalaman (minuman):
Kanak-kanak : 1 sudu kecil, 2 kali sehari.
Dewasa : 2 sudu besar, 2 kali sehari.
Boleh dicampur dengan jus buah-buahan untuk menambahkan selera atau sebagai minuman seisi keluarga.
Tidak sesuai dicampurkan dengan minuman panas atau Air panas.
Untuk Kegunaan Luaran (sapuan):
Bersihkan tempat bermasalah, keringkan dengan kain yang bersih.
Kemudian sapukan Aloe Gel. Biarkan beberapa minit sehingga ia kering.
Panas tuboh (deman), campurkan Aloe Gel dengan sedikit air dan jarmkan di atas kepala sehingga terkena ke kulit kepala dan lumurkan pada tubuh dan di bahagian yang panas. Biarkan ia kering, lakukan berulang-ulang sehingga suhu badan kembali normal.
Untuk Kegunna Dalaman (minuman):
Kanak-kanak : 1 sudu kecil, 2 kali sehari.
Dewasa : 2 sudu besar, 2 kali sehari.
Boleh dicampur dengan jus buah-buahan untuk menambahkan selera atau sebagai minuman seisi keluarga.
Tidak sesuai dicampurkan dengan minuman panas atau Air panas.
Untuk Kegunaan Luaran (sapuan):
Bersihkan tempat bermasalah, keringkan dengan kain yang bersih.
Kemudian sapukan Aloe Gel. Biarkan beberapa minit sehingga ia kering.
Panas tuboh (deman), campurkan Aloe Gel dengan sedikit air dan jarmkan di atas kepala sehingga terkena ke kulit kepala dan lumurkan pada tubuh dan di bahagian yang panas. Biarkan ia kering, lakukan berulang-ulang sehingga suhu badan kembali normal.
Red Tru Café - a taste which makes your day exceptional and exuberant.
Red Tru Cafe combines 4 major high grade ingredients consisting Red Yeast Rice extract, Guarana extract, Maca extract, Habbatussauda extract and Arabica coffee.
This high grade ingredient combination has the following advantages :-
• Aphrodisiac
• Increases energy, stamina
• Staying power
• Stimulates sexuality
• Lowers the level of LDL (bad cholesterol)
• Lowers the level of unhealthy fats (triglycerides)
• Increases the level of HDL (good cholesterol)
• Improves blood circulation
• Overcomes stress
Red Tru Cafe combines 4 major high grade ingredients consisting Red Yeast Rice extract, Guarana extract, Maca extract, Habbatussauda extract and Arabica coffee.
This high grade ingredient combination has the following advantages :-
• Aphrodisiac
• Increases energy, stamina
• Staying power
• Stimulates sexuality
• Lowers the level of LDL (bad cholesterol)
• Lowers the level of unhealthy fats (triglycerides)
• Increases the level of HDL (good cholesterol)
• Improves blood circulation
• Overcomes stress
Red Yeast Rice (Monacus Purpureus)
Red yeast rice is a substance made by fermenting a type of red yeast called Monascus purpureus (also known as "Hong-Qu" or "Fu-Qi") over rice.
The use of red yeast rice in China was first documented in the Tang Dynasty in 800 A.D. A detailed description of its manufacture is found in the ancient Chinese pharmacopoeia, Ben Cao Gang Mu-Dan Shi Bu Yi, published during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). In this text, red yeast rice is used in traditional Chinese medicine as a remedy for poor circulation, mild aid for gastric problems, indigestion, diarrhea, blood circulation, spleen and stomach health.
Red Tru Capsule is a new dietary supplement developed to maintain normal & healthy cholesterol levels.
• Lower levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol.
• Increases levels of HDL (good) cholesterol.
• Lower levels of unhealthy fats called 'triglycerides'.
• Prevents heart disease and associated complications.
• Improve blood circulation
Red yeast rice is a substance made by fermenting a type of red yeast called Monascus purpureus (also known as "Hong-Qu" or "Fu-Qi") over rice.
The use of red yeast rice in China was first documented in the Tang Dynasty in 800 A.D. A detailed description of its manufacture is found in the ancient Chinese pharmacopoeia, Ben Cao Gang Mu-Dan Shi Bu Yi, published during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). In this text, red yeast rice is used in traditional Chinese medicine as a remedy for poor circulation, mild aid for gastric problems, indigestion, diarrhea, blood circulation, spleen and stomach health.
Red Tru Capsule is a new dietary supplement developed to maintain normal & healthy cholesterol levels.
• Lower levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol.
• Increases levels of HDL (good) cholesterol.
• Lower levels of unhealthy fats called 'triglycerides'.
• Prevents heart disease and associated complications.
• Improve blood circulation
'Resina Draconis Daemonorops' (RDD) has been used as a traditional Chinese medicine since 1,500 years ago. It is a precious herb that is believed to treat blood disorders. RDD has the ability to strengthen immunity and prevent chronic illnesses like cancer. This is because of the herb's anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti cancer properties.
'Erigeron Breviscapinus' is a traditional Chinese herb found grown naturally in the plateau at the height of 2,000 metres and 25º north of Yunnan Province. Regular intake of 'Erigeron Breviscapinus' has been clinically proven to improve blood circulation and this greatly assists in the prevention of stroke.
'Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae', the dried root and rhizome of Radix Salviae BGE, is also called Dan Shen or Red Sage. It is often used for the treatment of circulation problems, ischemic stroke, angina pectoris and other cardiovascular diseases. It is also used to treat menstrual problems, chronic hepatitis, insomnia, acne, psoriasis, eczema and other dermatoid. Recent studies in China and Japan indicates that it can also improve the function of the cardiovascular system.
________________________________________©2008 Moderate Network S/B
________________________________________©2008 Moderate Network S/B
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